Building a Stronger Future for Colorado’s 1st Congressional District
Our Mission
The 1st District GOP is dedicated to electing principled Republicans to Congress, The State Board of Education, and the University of Colorado Regents while amplifying our voices at the national level. Together, we champion opportunity, accountability, and a thriving Colorado.
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Reclaim CD 1 for Freedom and Opportunity
Colorado’s 1st District—our home—stands at a crossroads. For too long, progressive policies have harmed our way of life. The 1st CD GOP is fighting to restore fiscal responsibility, safety in the city, and the greatness of Denver and Colorado. Join us to take back our District, one step at a time!
Colorado's CD 1
The 1st Congressional District Republican Central Committee is on a mission to restore Colorado’s heart—Denver and its neighbors—to the principles of limited government, personal freedom, and economic strength. We’re fighting for you, from the Capitol to the city streets. Want to know more about our district?
Taking Back CD 1, One Truth at a Time
The 1st District GOP is your frontline in the fight to reclaim Colorado’s 1st District from big-government democrats. We’re countering the media’s spin with real news and bold insights. Denver deserves better, and we’re delivering the updates that matter—unfiltered and unafraid. Catch the latest now!
CD 1 Leadership Team
Roger B. Rowland
Jimmy Smrz
Vice Chair
Diane Wolta
Michael DiManna
1st CD Representative To State Executive Committee